Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Felt a little unwell yesterday afternoon, so I thought that it must be another of those nasty bugs that has been going around in the apartment ever since Chye Hing got sick. With that, I decided to sleep it off and see what became of it. I awoke from what was supposed to be a refreshing nap feeling rather worse for the wear, with nausea doing its nauseous best to make me throw up but failing repeatedly and what seemed to be a tsunami churning around in my guts. I decided there and then that going for dinner was definitely out of the story. So while the others went for dinner, I spent my dinner time hugging the toilet bowl and - well, suffice to say, details are rather unnecessary at this point. I'm sure you got the idea.

A few hours into my misery, I called Mum to give her a sitrep (situation report) and I wished I didn't three minutes into the call. Dad was so worried about me that he actually suggested that I checked into the Outpatient Department of SJMC whereas Mum just continually poured tonnes of suggestions on how to what to eat, what to do and repeated "see a doctor first thing tomorrow"over and over again until my ears were ringing with those words. After assuring them that it wasn't that serious, and no, I won't drop dead in the middle of the night and that I would see a doctor first thing tomorrow if the situation still hasn't abated yet, I finally hung up. If I had known that I would make them this worried, I wouldn't have called them at all.

My dear gave me some advice on things to eat to alleviate my condition, and she recommended some medicince called "bao chi wan" or something like that in Mandarin. I made a quick trip to Kiosk to buy the medicine and some bread and jam to eat, when I met Paul near the entrance to My Place, happily taking swigs of Rootbeer from a can in his hand. The explanation? His apartment ran out of water to drink so he went out to buy a soft drink. After hearing what he said, I nearly burst into laughter - it was that funny! And that made me feel loads better. Which led me to learn my lesson of the day firsthand - laughter is the best medicine. I know, it sounds a little cheesy, but this axiom definitely is true after all, and I shall have to remember that if I ever become a doctor (fingers crossed)! After I bought the medicine, bread and the jam, I duly returned to the apartment, albeit feeling a little better. I tried to do homework, but my mind just wasn't in it, so I ended up watching television for the rest of the night (and making frequent jaunts to the toilet as well).

I remained this way for the rest of last night, and although I felt better today morning, I sill didn't feel well enough to go to classes. And no, Chye wasn't because I was too lazy to haul my sorry ass off to college this morning. I would if I could, but the fact is, I couldn't. So don't give me any remarks about me skiving off classes for the fun of it - I sure as hell didn't! After feeling much better later in the morning, I dutifully went off to classes again. But on another note, I did manage to skip Biology today, which seemed like a good thing because our ever-lovable teacher (read - sarcastic) seems to be getting more pyschotic and deranged as the days pass. She buries the entire class under mountains of work and still manages to scold us about not being able to finish the work on time, blindfully oblivious to the fact that we do not just take Biology alone as we take other subjects too and hence, we also have work to do from those other subjects.

Hmm...I wonder why couldn't we finish your work... Perhaps it's because you gave us way TOO MUCH!

I can gripe all I want about the aforesaid teacher snowing the entire class under with her humongous workload. But it won't matter here. Not that it'll matter anywhere. But I'll still say it anyway. If she wants her plan to work (and I suspect her plan is actually a well-intentioned effort to make sure we're well prepared for the finals by making us do exercise after exercise), then she's going about it the wrong way. By giving us homework this much, she's made us adopt a couldn't-care-less attitude about the work she gives. Most of us (yes, I admit that I'm included in the "us" too), resort to just copying the answers to the work she gave when we tried and subsequently failed to finish her work on time. What she should do is to give us homework in moderation, not the avalanches she buries us under with - at least we'll know that it's humanly possible to finish it and we won't need to resort to copying. She's a good teacher, there's no doubt about that, but some of the aspects of her teaching are questionable.

Enough griping for one day, I'll see you soon! Ciao!


At 12:47 PM , Blogger senaiboy said...

hmm...2 weeks to finish bout 20 questions? frankly, we couldn't ask for more's our fault we didn't even start doing it when she gave us those homework..
wait, what the heck am i defending her haha =P. but after all, she had good intentions, no doubt bout dat. it's juz dat us and her will never ever get along...but dat's the last thing we'll ever want tho =P
PS - Chye Hing? hmm that sounds familiar haha =P. U've nv call me by that before...maybe u're trying to sound polite in ur blog? lol =P
*no..don't burn my bed..pls..*

At 12:49 PM , Blogger yong chen said...

Yup...hahaha...have to be polite.. A little more polite than I usually am anyway... Hahaha.. At least I'm not the brute you are! :-P

Your bed is as good as burned, can you smell the kerosene? Haha..

At 12:51 PM , Blogger senaiboy said...

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At 12:54 PM , Blogger senaiboy said...

oh yea...nowadays ppl are writing f*** this, f*** that on their blog (oh such great friends we hv =P). No need to restrain urself and act 'polite' k? haha it's juz dat i can't get used to it =P

At 12:59 PM , Blogger yong chen said...

Maintain a modicum of politeness to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Of course, unless they do not conform to accepted standards of behaviour, then only can you not be polite. That's my policy. AMBIK NI!!!


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