Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Offended Somebody Today...

I don't believe it! Barely twenty-four hours into my resolution for this year, I seem to have violated one of 'Dad's Rules Of Life'. Life seems intent on making a mockery of myself. But I digress. Anyway, what happened today was that someone was being rather rude and pushy about the way that aforesaid someone tried to reach a consensus about the class trip. That someone seemed not to give an iota of care about the situation of others when pushing forward an idea, and when someone in a position of so-called leadership acts in that manner, I call it piss-poor leadership. Period. From what I heard this afternoon, it was all about that somebody's way, the situation as that somebody viewed it and the final consensus that particular somebody wanted. The details of the situation are to be left out in this entry since I don't want to be accused of distorting the events of what happened in order to favour myself. I did my best to remain civil and refrained from interrupting for a while, but after listening to that particular someone's talk for a moment too long, I finally couldn't take it anymore and I gave that someone a piece of my mind. In a not-so-civil tone. I know it was wrong for me to use that tone - so I apologize. But only for that matter. I don't give a damn as to whether that particular someone reads my blog or if anybody blabs about this entry to that particular person - I'll have that 'someone' know that I'll gladly return the favour of acting the way that particular person acted as long as that particular person continues to act that way. Anyway, this matter isn't really something worth mulling over, so I'll forget it as soon as I hit the 'publish' key - and focus on more important matters.


At 12:31 PM , Blogger yong chen said...

Yeah...haha.. I guess some people will just never change!

At 12:52 PM , Blogger senaiboy said...

so many 'someone' in a post... O.O i'm getting confused haha
anyway that 'someone' is really a bit rude..but why act like her? Not that what u did was wrong...juz dat she might feel hurt (sometimes u gotta b sensitive, no?). You know, dat's the way she is...must get what she wants or she'll merajuk type *roll eyes*. But if u didn't sound her someone else will anyway =P so thx for speaking up for us haha (we didn't c dat coming actually ;) )

At 2:20 AM , Blogger yong chen said...

Well...if you can call sounding someone "acting like her" then somehow I don't really give a damn about my actions that day. That someone deserved it, and if that someone gets hurt, I'm not going to lose any sleep about it.

At 1:14 PM , Blogger Paul said...

guys. should have cut ian zing some slack. she WAS trying to organize a class trip but we didn't come clean out. we were just whispering around each other k? try to see the light on both sides.

At 1:30 PM , Blogger yong chen said...

Yeah...but do you call demanding us to get our parents' permission in half an hour's time considerate? No matter what she was trying to do, shouldn't she at least understand that it is practically impossible to do what she wanted that day? You're a leader, you should at least understand that you do not BOSS people around in any decision making, right?


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