Thursday, September 29, 2005

The First YC Fruit Bank!

Newsflash! The First YC Fruit Bank is now officially open and in business! Bearing in mind the turmoil of the financial industry, the First YC Fruit Bank aims for a modest 20% growth by the end of the next fiscal year. All modes of investments are welcome, although the preferred methods of transaction are direct debit of bananas, red apples, green apples and the occasional orange. As bananas have a significantly lower investment period, all interest in banana accounts are significantly higher when compared to the other 'currencies'. Due to consumer discernings, green apples have the highest investment period and as such will be given the lowest interest of all. Additional accounts in the form of Skittles and gummy sweets are available and will be processed at the Manager's discretion.


Hahaha... I know that everything above sounds like pure rubbish - but there's an iota of truth to be found in the above paragraph! Since we're given an allowance per meal, I usually round up my spare credit by grabbing a fruit from the fruit-basket. These fruits are then either consumed by me (if I'm not particularly satisfied with the meal) or hoarded on the space above my shelf. I then either take a fruit from the hoard to campus to be consumed between lectures or just eat them for a late-night snack. My current favourite is the banana at the moment, because I just couldn't be bothered to wash an apple before eating it - and bananas somehow bring a 'tropical' feel to an otherwise cold and dry British weather. At the time of writing, I have a banana, four red apples and a green apple languishing on my shelf! The bananas have to be consumed quickly before they turn bad, whereas the apples can be kept for a bit longer - hence the low banana count.

Anyway, I've just returned from a MASSOC (Malaysian and Singaporean Society) social at the Octagon Centre - having signed up for another social in a nightclub and paintballing as well. Tonnes of people were there, managed to meet quite a few other (alright, tonnes!) of Malaysian and Singaporeans but somehow I was too drained to do much socialising (trust me, you'll feel that way after having a full day of lectures and an ILA practical). Just introduced myself to a few people, chatted a bit and spent the rest of my time sitting with the friends from my Hall and eating chips and drinking Coke. Quite a waste of time, really. By the way, my current total spare cash is a big, fat zero after signing up for all those stuff. I might really have to start living on apples and bananas from now on.


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