Deeply Fascinating...
What a wierd day. Just as I had gotten used to the uber-packed, leg-killing and neurone-wracking days that defined the first four days of this week, I suddenly get a day that's totally relaxing. Perhaps it was the intervention of the omnipresent hand of Fate, but I suspect that it was merely just a fluke arrangement of my timetable - all my Group Practicals (the Library Practical and the Back Care Awareness Practical) took place earlier this week so I have practically half the day off! My day began at 2pm and ended at half past 3pm! Hahaha! The temptation to skip breakfast and sleep in until it was time for lectures nearly got the better of me, but somehow the lure of breakfast was so much stronger - so I woke up dutifully at 7.30am and headed down to the cafeteria for breakfast at 8.30am.After breakfast, I headed back to my room and tried reading a few of the lecture notes. You know, I've noticed that there are two types of information in the notes - those that are mind-numbingly boring, and those that are practically incomprehensible. I feel brilliant and absolutely proud of myself when I understand what the notes are saying, but when the incomprehensible parts hit me, what goes on in my mind is some primitive panic reflex born of the fear of the unknown. Believe me, it's in all of us humans. When we see something we don't understand, we either panic and run away - or we panic and destroy it. Additionally, in these modern times, we might even panic and make a reality TV show about it. Which could be a whole lot worse, trust me. I mean, what on Earth are people thinking when they make reality TV shows about something as incomprehensible as marriage? Panic to the maximum, I guess.
Anyway, what happened this morning was that I suddenly realised how much I didn't know. So thoughts of ohmygodI'msostupid, whattheheckamIdoinginMedSchool and more ohmygodI'msostupid began their vicious cycle in my mind. At that point, I decided that I needed to hit the books. Immediately. Now, when this happens to me I usually freak out, run to the nearest bookstore and buy every book I can lay my hands on. But with cash being a major constraint, I decided on a cheaper and better alternative - the library. And I dutifully headed there, browsed through the reading list and ended up borrowing three books - one on anatomy, one on physiology and one on haematology. After that, it was time for a lecture, so I brought the books with me to class. Upon entering the lecture theatre, a few people actually gawked at the sight of me carrying three books. They must be thinking poor boy, he's already a nerd so early into Med School. Hahaha! Ah, well. It can't be helped. It just happens to me sometimes.
Today's lecture was incredibly interesting. Saw my first real patient, took my first real history and answered my first real Formative Assessment. Needless to say, my history sheet was rather blank and I did rather badly in the Formative Assessment (4/6....that just sucks). Learnt many things to do as a doctor when seeing a patient - the lecturer today was fantastic. Now I'm just waiting for dinnertime - blogging while waiting for my episode of Bleach to finish downloading (Fish, you got me addicted to this!). But while I'm at it, I think I should rearrange my books - the front page of "Anatomy - A Dissection Manual" just makes me kind of lose my appetite for meat.
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