Friday, October 14, 2005

Tesco Outing

Went out to Tesco's yesterday night to do some shopping with Mark, Wei Jin, James, Tommy and Brand. Actually this trip was already on the cards for some time, but the intermittent night rain caused many postponed trips. Imagine everyone going downstairs and meeting up at the reception and walking out just to find that it was raining! When a rainless night finally arrived, everyone was rallied for the outing to Tesco's with a speed and efficiency that surprised even myself. Who knew Malaysians could be this decisive? Hahaha... I went with the objective of purchasing a few bars of soap since my current supplies of soap consists of a bar of soap and a misshapen, miniscule and pathetic fragment of what used to be a bar of soap. However, upon reaching there, I discovered that even bars of soap were expensive! Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't RM3 for a bar of soap a bit too much? Of course, the other alternative was the house brand's soap. But it was a rather dodgy deal - the label on it said "fragrance-free pure soap". What the hell?! What if I stink? How am I going to freshen myself up? Who the hell uses frangrance-free soap? Doesn't that defeat the very purpose of bathing? For the rationale-challanged people out there, that means to make one clean as well as smell clean. You don't go and take a bath when you stink and then come out smelling the same as before!

Enough of my harangue on the irrationality of fragrance-free soap. Anyway, I ended up deciding to obtain my soap via a resupply from my Dad, who will be coming to Sheffield on the 23rd of this month. I'll have to make them last until I go back on the 18th of December. I then ended up buying beer (a 12-can carton of Stella Artois, shared by Mark, Wei Jin and Tommy) and chocolate (also shared with Wei Jin). It's surprising how "luxury" stuff like beer and chocolate is cheaper over here, but basic necessities like soap, fruits, bread and meat is so incredibly expensive! Mark bought a bottle of red (dunno if it's Cabernet Souvignon or Shiraz) whereas Tommy bought a bottle of Irish Cream! Everyone then immediately said that Tommy was their bestest best friend! Hahaha! Irish Cream is actually coffee-flavoured alcohol - very very nice! Superb when you pour a dash of it over vanilla ice-cream...mmm... Anyway, after everyone had gotten their stuff, we left and headed back to Halifax Hall. Once there, we decided to meet outside the music room and just drink beer and basically spend our time talking cock.

This is what we did...

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From left - myself and James. This picture was taken at the reception desk of Halifax Hall.

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We finally take a decent picture! Each and everytime Mark takes a picture with me, one of us will spoil it inadvertently or purposely! We then agreed prior to this picture not to spoil it with any stupid poses, gestures or facial expressions - and this picture turned out fine!

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Look, Ma, no hands! Hahaha... Myself and Tommy, posing for a picture. For your information, only about 50% of beer was left in the can - to hold a fully-filled can with just your teeth risks the aforesaid teeth getting ripped out of their roots!

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The ones who wanted to go to Tesco so much. From left, Brandy and Mark. "We should have gone later lar... Sandwiches at just 5p at their closing time! I want!!"

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Group pic (minus me, I took this photograph!). From left - Brandy, Tommy, James and Mark.

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Mark rehearses his audition as the "face" for Stella Artois as Wei Jin plays the piano in the background. Haha!

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Our piano maestro, Wei Jin, bedazzles us with his amazing piano performances! Among the songs he played were - "I'll Be Right Here Waiting", "In The Mirror" as well a couple of Japanese anime songs.

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Cheers! My can was already empty by the time this picture was taken, but what the heck, might as well pose with it so that I'm not the odd one out! Hahaha!

Stella Artois reminds me of Asahi, being mild and pleasantly smooth. When I drank it, it reminded me of the dinners that I had with my family at Yaoki, a Japanese restaurant near my house. Still remembered the time my Dad ordered Asahi...I finished mine before the main course came and he hadn't gone through half of his and his face was already red! Haha! I had to finish the other half for him! Sipping from my can, every mouthful a reminiscence, it brought back happy memories of the times spent with my family.

I suddenly realise how much I miss them.


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